
The 4th International  Conference on Intelligent Systems and Advanced Computing

Sciences (ISACS’23)

26-27 October 2023, Taza - Morocco



The purpose of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Advanced Computing Sciences (ISACS’23) is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on the field of Computer Science and Information Engineering both from theoretical and application perspectives. They will exchange the latest achievements and discuss future development related to this research area. It is an opportunity to discuss and present their original and quality scientific contributions in the form of theoretical foundations, models, and development of concrete computer applications for solving problems in different fields.

This conference is sponsored by "Polydisciplinary Faculty of Taza" and "Association of Research Professors of the Polydisciplinary Faculty of Taza".

This conference is the fourth edition of the International Conference “Intelligent Systems and Advanced Computing Sciences”, organized at the Multidisciplinary Faculty of Taza on May 23-24, 2013 Link , October 30-31, 2015, Link and December 26-27, 2019 Link

It is planned to publish the proceedings of the conference ISCAS 2023 with Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science series (final approval pending).
Each paper submitted will be independently reviewed by at least three (3) reviewers and evaluated based on full paper, including Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, on originality of contribution and technical et/or research content . The papers will be accepted, amendment, or rejection based on upon reviewer’s comments/recommendations and made by the Editor.


The Proceedings book will be indexed in the following databases.




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